
Family engagement


Family Engagement

Families are a child’s first, and most important, teacher, advocate, and supporter. This role makes families at Hamilton-Madison House (HMH) critical partners in the education of their children.

Why are families so critical?

Every caring adult has an impact on the social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development of young children. However, family members also provide children with their cultural identity, family values, as well as, their moral and ethical perspective. Families teach children their first language and help mold their personality. Talking with, reading to, and engaging children at home help them develop the important skills they need to succeed in preschool and transition to Kindergarten.
Teachers at HMH build on family strengths in the classroom by welcoming families and children each day through special celebrations, recognition of birthdays, births of siblings, and other activities that connect family to school.

What can families do to participate at Hamilton-Madison House? 

-Families are encouraged to drop-off and pick-up their children, spending time in the classroom talking with their child’s teacher, their child, and other children. This time informs families about their child’s day, their friends, and the environment they spend their time in. 
-Check your child’s backpack and materials that are sent home each day to see if there are notes, newsletters, or other communication from your child’s teacher or HMH.
-Make sure to check for electronic messages from HMH, such as Class Dojo (include icon). At times, staff may text or email families as well.
-Volunteer in the classroom by connecting with teachers and staff for best times and activities that need your help. You can contribute in person or virtually.
-Participate in family activities and workshops that are planned each month specifically for family engagement, such as, cooking activities. Also, there are online and face-to-face family workshops, offered at convenient times on topics of interest, such as, managing children’s behavior. Support groups are available to help families with common concerns for supporting their children. y.